
My dream

Monday, 21 July 2008

The Political Brothels

It's been several weeks since we Indians are exposed to the dirty political turmoil over the issue of the much coveted 'Nuclear Deal'. In my last entry I'd mentioned about the same. This entry is also on the similar issue but not directly relating to the issue per se. It is about the political morality being at its lowest ebb and this time all the political parties are equal culprits - including the own which I also support (The Left parties). The headline (which has been written in an utter disgust and anguish) speaks very loudly about the current scenario ruling the Indian polity. If I say that the political parties are no less than brothels where we exchange flesh for money, I have no intention to demean the political system of this country. Nor do I intend to demean the political theory and premises with which we created this nation around 61 years ago. My agony stems from the fact that even after these 61 years; we have not gotten rid of the factors of -
1. Opportunism
2. Derogatory political remarks
3. Degenerative political actions for short term gains
4. Lack of ideological depth and commitment.

Our able leadership, which got us the much wanted freedom from the colonial British empire, had very carefully laid before us the principles of exterior political system (the democracy with a window for each one of us to have freedom of expression), but developing the principles of political morality, which are to govern the interior systems or the day to day running of the system had to come from the respective leaders who followed the path laid by our political forefathers. With the right of freedom of expression, I can very firmly say that the foundation of 'Political Morality' laid by our political forefathers has been brutally murdered today. Political morality is substituted by egotism, insensitivity towards the massive electorate. Political probity has been arrested and put on back seat for false honour and the extremely dirty mechanisms of political survival are cherished by each one of our leaders. I will not tag any one single political party for this sinful act. To me each party is on the same path of destruction.

On the way to win the trust vote (Since the current Manmohan Singh led UPA government is reeling under minority because of the withdrawal of support from the Left political parties), each outfit is using the filthy way of garnering the required numbers to win the trust vote on one side or topple the current government in office on the other.

In his article last year Dr. Subhash Kapila (Titled: Three Year Report Card of UPA) stated and very rightly so and I quote: "One wonders whether India’s first Congress Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru and the founder of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty would have (in a similar situation) accepted compromises on political morality to capture political power at any cost. The answer is that it was very unlikely that the Congress under Nehru would have ever compromised on political morality as has been done now under Sonia Gandhi’s leadership."

I extend it a little further now. Why blame only Congress party for this. Why not my own brethren the "Left Parties", which to ensure that the government goes, are succumbing to the worst options available. That is nothing but a glaring example of 'opportunism of the highest order' wherein they just want to see the defeat of the Congress ( and its UPA allies) at any cost. This exercise has put the entire country's future at stake both in terms of diminishing political moralities as well as ideological vacuum that we are witnessing today.

With the trading of the so called indecisive political leaders who want to make the best fortune out of this situation of political desperation, we have proved that we are miles and miles away from those political heights which Gandhi and Nehru dreamt of.

The famous philosopher Rousseau once said: "To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the rights of humanity and even its duties. For he who renounces everything no indemnity is possible. Such a renunciation is incompatible with man's nature to remove all liberty from his will is to remove all morality from his acts." The political guards of India, our so called national heros who run the nation, have (by all means) shed this liberty and are under the realm of slavery with a price tag attached to it. And thanks to the political masters, who with the help of some great industrial houses (with vested interests in political system of India) are taming these shameful political animals who are up for sale. Another very apt anecdote would be worth mentioning here. This one is from Bertrand Russell. Russell says, "We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side one which we preach but do not practice, and another which we practice but seldom preach." wall know how true this for today's Indian political scenario.

Every political party, which claims to be the citadel of morality is today the brothel of politics - selling the political prostitutes at lucrative rates just to further create a sham for this nation.